/ night
- 2 double beds
- TV with cable
- Heating and air
- Mini refrigerator
/ night
- 2 bedrooms
- 2 double beds in each bedroom
- Kitchen (no utensils, pots or pans)
- Screened porch
- Heating and air
/ night
- 2 double beds
- Mini refrigerator
- Microwave and coffee pot
- Heating and air
/ night
- Water
- Electric (50 and 30 amp)
$225 / day
- Gas not included
- From 8:00am to 4:30pm
- Center console, max 4 people
Up to 3 people
- $400 for half day 4 hour trips
- $600 for full day 6-8 hour trips
- Includes everything except snacks and drinks
$10.00 / night
- On first-come first-serve basis